07 February 2007

Tagged ...

I have been tagged!! Uh oh … So here’s a list of five things that I haven’t revealed about myself on my blog (I think!)

  1. I have a HND in Music Production.
  2. I’ve been playing the Drums on and off for about 7 years now.
  3. I secretly would love to a singer-songwriter, but I don’t think that’ll happen any time soon.
  4. I did a Tour of Germany when I was 17 with 5/6 other bands (we got robbed, the sunroof of the coach got snapped off and went into on-coming traffic on the autobahn, the tour manager quit half way through and then the coach company tried to sue us when we got back to England.)
  5. Me and my DB go to the cinema nearly every weekend (you can’t beat a good film!)

So there we go a few things about me that I don’t think I’ve mentioned before. I don’t think I can tag 5 other people, I know I love looking at other peoples blogs, but I only know of two people who read mine and Kendra’s already been tagged 2/3 times?! So I tag Nat! (Go on Nat revel all hehehe)

I couldn’t have done the influential books from my childhood, firstly because I don’t remember and secondly I had real trouble with my reading up until my late teens, so I really didn’t start reading until then.

My new tunic jumper from My Fashionable Life is coming on in leaps and bounds. It’s very very nice. Pictures will be coming either tomorrow or Friday ladies.


Sarah said...

I'm so impressed that you can play the drums - that's so cool.

I can't wait to see Holly. I've always wanted to make that pattern but it seemed to take so much wool. What are you using instead of the Debbie Bliss?

I love the 'shoulder warmer' by the way!

S.J.Hirons said...

And what shall we watch this weekend, my love?

nat said...

Yeah, thanks. :p I think I've been lost for about two weeks, and now you've gone and done that to me. :p

AH Hahahaha I like your knitting lately. :)