13 March 2007

So check this out! I'm a massive geek and i work in IT!

I personally love the bit about evil robots, this is totally my plan, but these robots will be outfitted with THE most fashionable Knit wear! :)

Your Birthdate: August 25

You excel at anything difficult or high tech.
In other words, you're a total (brilliant) geek.
It's difficult for you to find people worth spending time with.
Which is probably why you'll take over the world with your evil robots!
Your strength: Your unfailing logic
Your weakness: Loving machines more than people
Your power color: Tan
Your power symbol: Pi
Your power month: July


Sarah said...

That sound like it was pretty accurate. I did it too and mine was quite close. I'm a bit worried that it suggests that you love machines more than people!

José said...

"She don't use jelly" is one of my old school fav's Cherry!

S.J.Hirons said...

Why haven't you mentioned the army of evil robots you've had me building for the last year? It's surely not coincidence...wait, put that hammer down, sweet...I will tell them....I must! No! Aaaaarrrgghh!!!!

José said...

I told you not to tell Mr S.J.Hirons!!!!!! Evil Robots commence world domonation!!