01 June 2007

Hey Y'all! So knitting is going great... half-term relaxing is another thing!! Never mind.

So I'm knitting 'Faye' by Kim Hargreaves from the Rowan Vintage Knits Magazine, from a while back. I found a copy of it in my local library to which i said out loud 'Bonus'!

I don't know what pattern it is or what it's called, but I'm following it and i like it! It took a few goes to begin with but hopefully you'll be able to see the details once it's all done, especially in the bright Red which I gotta tell ya, I'm a BIG fan of and I'm surprised that i haven't already knitted a ton of things with it ... anyway I digress.

So me and DB went up to the Yorkshire Sculpture park (it should have taken a little over 2 hours, it ended up taking something like over 3! I hate traffic on the M1!) anyway we went to check out the Andy Goldsworthy exhibition, and it was pretty great. Unfortunately you weren't allowed to take photos :( But then again the sweat lodge piece was soooo good I think I'll be remembering it in the old brain box for years to come.

Hope everyone had a great week, hopefully more progress reports soon :)


Anonymous said...

I love Andy Galsworthy's work - Good for you makingthat long journey!
That red sure is bright!! Yum!

Sarah said...

I love the pattern. I think that it is a sign that I have too many books when instead of seeing what the pattern is by searching on the internet I go over to the bookshelf and see if I have the book!

Red always looks so good, especially with jeans I think.

Sarah said...

Just thought I'd pop in and say hello. I hope you are ok. I've been missing your posts. You're probably just enjoying a well deserved summer break!

Anonymous said...

I love the Yorkshire Sculpture park! My cousin and I went and had a great, but very cold day there the other year.